0. Introduction to Life Path Archetypes

The Life Path Archetypes (LPAs) are deeply fundamental descriptions of basic human motivations and attitudes towards life. They have a surprisingly strong effect on human lives. Understanding them will help you begin to figure out your own inner wiring and will let you begin to really "get" the others in your life.

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A0 - The Holy Child

Most people walk through life sound asleep, sitting in life's waiting room only dreaming that there's more out there. They are eggs. The holy child is the hatching of that egg, the first stirrings with the coming of the morning light. This child begins to sense that there is so much more to life and crawls out of bed to begin exploring. All paths to self-awareness go through the holy child stage. If this LPA is fully encompassed, everything that follows is easier and more fun. If any of the shadow side characteristics are left, they will surface again and again as you move forward.

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A1f - The Priestess

The priestess is a passionate believer. She has a core idea or set of ideas which she holds as absolutely true. Her intense devotion to what she believes in defines every part of her life. She is beautiful, gentle, kind and deeply aware of the world around her. As a Track 1, she explores and expresses her beliefs in her interactions with others and the outer world.

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A1m - The Explorer

The explorer cares little for meditation and inner exploration. He wants to be "out there," climbing mountains, surfing, hiking thru jungles and exploring ancient runes. He is strong, attactive, and highly competent, able to survive and even thrive in any situation. Like all the LPAs, he seeks truth and self-awareness. He finds them most readily by doing, exploring, and experiencing. As a Track 1, he explores and expresses his passion with others and in the outer world.

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A2f - The Dancer

The dancer is elegant, strong, and graceful. Her attention is turned inward to both the beauty and the darkness she finds there. Through fearless inner exploration, she tames the inner beast and brings light to the darkest areas she finds there. She has little interest in teaching and guiding others, preferring to express her path through her dance. She knows that others will learn much if they care enough to watch. As a Track 2, she is focused on the passionate inner world and the beauty she finds there and cares less about going out and exploring the outer world.

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A2m - The Professor

The professor is the ultimate sacred teacher. He understands the world by studying as much as possible, scanning all he finds, and combining it in new and wonderful ways that are relevant today. He shares what he finds with great skill and passion, in an effort to help as many as possible. As a Track 2, he cares more about the inner world of ideas and how those ideas *feel* to him than about going out and exploring the outer world.

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A3f - The Earth Mother

The earth mother is the ultimate mother and loving teacher. Without trying, she can step into a healthy and beautiful maternal energy which brings people to tears. Her hugs are intensely comforting and her compassion is unyielding. She finds great joy in helping, teaching, and providing for the youngest among us. As a Track 3, all her attention is directed to guiding and guarding those who need it.

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A3m - The Coach

The All Father is the ultimate dad. He is the strong, gentle, supportive father figure to those in need and the ultimate leader/protector of a tribe or society. A hug from him will make you feel absolutely safe, deeply loved, and worthy of the best life has to offer. As a Track 3, all his attention is directed to guiding and guarding those who need it.

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B1f - The Wise Leader

The high priestess was an acolytes, a believer, following an ideal. Her devotion has led her to awareness, strength, calm, gentleness and the beginnings of wisdom. The wise leader takes all that the high priestess has encompassed and uses it to teach and lead others. As a Track 1, she focuses her study, her judgements, and her leadership in her interactions with others and the outer world.

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B1m - The Expert

The explorer was interested only in going, doing, experiencing, and learning through those experiences. The expert takes all of his earlier learning and combines it with growing awareness and intuition to create completely new ideas, things, activities and paths. He tends to focus on a single area of expression and to show great expertise in his area. As a Track 1, he focuses his expertise on his interactions with others and the outer world.

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B2f - The Inner Expert

The dancer has deeply explored her inner self, over-coming her addictions and obsessions through uncovering and expressing her own path, her dance. The inner expert takes these explorations to a much deeper level, fearlessly delving into her deepest and darkest inner regions and bringing the light of awareness to them. She is active in the outer world, firmly taking control and leading where it helps others out of their own darkness. As a Track 2, she is focused on her exploration of the inner self. However her attention has expanded to include a deep awareness of others.

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B2m - The Wise Observer

The professor (A2m) was a scholar. He gathered, organized and presented information. The wise observer takes this same attitude to a much deeper level. He strives to watch, listen, feel, wait, study, analyze and interpret from a vastly expanded awareness. As a Track 2, he is focused on his exploration of the inner self. However his attention has expanded to include a deep awareness of others.

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B3f - The Teacher of Cycles

The earth mother had a deep love and compassion for the little ones. Most of her attention was on nurturing, teach, helping, and guiding them. The teacher of cycles maintains those characteristics but reaches a higher level. She is no longer caught up in each moment, but maintains a larger focus across situations. She seeks patterns, flows and cycles that interlink the many she cares for and that shape their life and hers. As a Track 3, all of her attention is focused on guiding, protecting, teaching and providing for the young. At the B level she sees far more people as "young."

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B3m - The Mover and Shaker

The coach was strong, confident, aware, loving... all the things one might expect of the perfect father or grandfather. The mover and shaker is that grown up. He is the ultimate CEO, the most successful of sports coaches, the leader of countries. He is strong, stable, confident, highly aware, intensely driven and powerfully successful. His drive and success extend into the meta- world and encompass the mental, emotional and social as readily as the physical. As a Track 3, his attention is focused on guiding, protecting, teaching and providing for the young. The structures he builds and runs are always aimed at these goals. At the B level he sees far more people as "young."

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C1 - The Outer World Master

Having focused on the outer world from the A level (either the high priestess or the explorer) you have developed an astounding awareness and understanding of it. You have remarkable senses and intuition in the outer world and an amazing ability to work with it and within it, whether you are a senser, a shaper, or a source

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C2 - The Inner World Master

Having focused so long and so intensely on the beauty and mystery of the inner realms, you have become a master of them. Your first and second mind are more stable and alive than any of the others at your level. You have an insight and intuition unmatched when it comes to people, emotions, ideas, and relationships. You can work with these things easily and actively whether you are a senser, a shaper, or a source.

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C3 - The Master Teacher

Through the A and B levels you have been a teacher, helper, healer, nurturer and guide. Those things come to fruition here. With an abundance of energy, passion and life, you constantly express a beauty and love of all that is. Those around you adore you, standing near you to soak up your radiance.

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D0 - The Master

Having encompassed all of the lessons from the A, B, and C levels along your path, you reach a state of true mastery. This is the ultimate level that humans can reach. There is no "beyond this" while wearing a human form. This stage is complete self-realization, nirvana, samadhi, ... The master has explored all of the experiences this world has to offer and found peace and harmony with them. Everything known is realized as a tiny part of a much larger whole.

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Life Path Archetypes

Meta-Intuitive Clans

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