LPA of the High School ice queen

Initially there was some confusion about the princess archetype, because you see the tall, thin, cheerleaders with A2f bodytypes doing this behaviour that is an A1f characteristic. It does make sense.

All of the A2f's focus is inside. When you look at the shadow expression of the A2f, all you can find is the ice queen, the girl who doesn't care about anybody and nothing touches her. Girls in high school, in order to thrive and survive in that environment, has to focus on the outside. However, the A2f lacks the basic set of tools to focus on outside expression and do well with social subtleties. hen she tries to relate to other people, she either goes into complete isolation and refuses to deal with people, or she has to borrow a set of tools from one of the other LPA's: the A1f or the A3f. As a child archetype is much more familiar to a than the responsible parent archetype, they are most likely to adopt the interaction set of the A1f.

Angel, 2014-08-16

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